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044 387 37 11

Telephone switchboard at the Hirslanden Heart Center in Zurich

PD Dr. med. Piero O. Bonetti


2022 – today

Heart Center Hirslanden Zurich

1/2006 – 12/2021

Head Physician Cardiology, Cantonal Hospital Graubünden, Chur

9/2004 - 12/2005

Senior Physician Cardiology University Hospital Basel Prof. Dr. med. M. Pfisterer

1/2003 – 8/2004

Cardiology, University Hospital Basel Prof. Dr. med. M. Pfisterer

5/2001 – 10/2002

Research Fellowship, Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA Prof. A. Lerman, MD Prof. Dr. med. A. Lerman

1/2000 – 2/2001

Cardiology, Heart Center Hirslanden, Zurich R. Tartini, MD

5/1999 – 12/1999

Cardiology, University Hospital Basel Prof. Dr. med. M. Pfisterer

1/1999 – 4/1999

Internal Medicine, Cantonal Hospital Graubünden, Chur Prof. Dr. med. W. Reinhart

7/1998 – 12/1998

Intensive Care Medicine, Cantonal Hospital Graubünden, Chur PD Dr. med. A. Frutiger

2/1996 – 6/1998

Internal Medicine, Cantonal Hospital Graubünden, Chur Prof. Dr. med. W. Reinhart

1/1994 – 1/1996

Surgery, Cantonal Hospital Graubünden, Chur Prof. Dr. med. T. Rüedi


1986-1992 Study of Human Medicine, Medical Faculty of the University of Basel State Examination

1992 Doctorate, Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel Title of dissertation: "Is flexible sigmoidoscopy feasible as a screening method for colorectal cancer in asymptomatic patients older than 45 years?"

2006 Habilitation, Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel Title of Habilitation Thesis: "The Clinical Significance of Endothelial Dysfunction."

Specialist title

2001 Specialist for Internal Medicine FMH

2004 Specialist in Cardiology FMH

Certificate of proficiency

2008 Certificate for dose-intensive X-ray examinations in cardiology


Association of Swiss Physicians (FMH)

Swiss Society of Cardiology (SGK)

Swiss Society of General Internal Medicine (SGAIM)

Working Group Interventional Cardiology and Acute Coronary Syndromes of the Swiss Society of Cardiology

Working Group Lipids and Atherosclerosis of the Swiss Society of Cardiology (AGLA)

European Society of Cardiology (ESC)

Alumni Association of the Medical Faculty of the University of Basel

Mayo Clinic Alumni Association (MCAA), Rochester, Minnesota, USA


English, French, German, Italian

ASSISTANT Barbara Bögli


Barbara Bögli


Medical practice assistant



  1. Rüttimann S, Bonetti P, Beglinger C, Loosli J, Meyer-Wyss B, Stalder GA, Dubach UC. Is flexible sigmoidoscopy as preventive measure for colorectal carcinoma in asymptomatic patients over 45 practicable? Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift
  2. Bonetti PO, Hartmann K, Kuhn M, Reinhart WH, Wieland T. Potential drug interactions and incidence of prescriptions necessitating special instructions after discharge from hospital. Schweiz Med Rundsch Praxis
  3. Bonetti PO, Waeckerlin A, Schuepfer G, Frutiger A. Improving time-sensitive processes in the intensive care unit: The example of „door-to-needle time„ in acute myocardial infarction. Int J Qual Health Care
  4. Dubach P, Myers J, Bonetti P, Schertler T, Froelicher V, Wagner D, Scheidegger M, Stuber M, Luchinger R, Schwitter J, Hess O. Effects of bisoprolol fumarate on left ventricular size, function, and exercise capacity in patients with heart failure: analysis with magnetic resonance myocardial tagging. Am Heart J
  5. Bonetti PO, Wilson SH, Rodriguez-Porcel M, Holmes DR Jr, Lerman LO, Lerman A. Simvastatin preserves myocardial perfusion and coronary microvascular permeability in experimental hypercholesterolemia independent of lipid lowering. J Am Coll Cardiol
  6. Bonetti PO, Barsness GW, Keelan PC, Schnell TI, Pumper GM, Kuvin JT, Schnall RP, Holmes DR Jr, Higano ST, Lerman A. Enhanced external counterpulsation improves endothelial function in patients with symptomatic coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol
  7. Targonski PV*, Bonetti PO* Pumper GM, Higano ST, Holmes DR Jr, Lerman A. Coronary endothelial dysfunction is associated with an increased risk of cerebrovascular events. Circulation
  8. Bonetti PO, Best PJM, Rodriguez-Porcel M, Holmes DR Jr, Lerman LO, Lerman A. Endothelin type A receptor antagonism restores myocardial perfusion response to adenosine in experimental hypercholesterolemia. Atherosclerosis 2003; 168:367-73.
  9. Bonetti PO, Pumper GM, Higano ST, Holmes DR Jr, Kuvin JT, Lerman A. Noninvasive identification of patients with early coronary atherosclerosis by assessment of digital reactive hyperemia. J Am Coll Cardiol
  10. Bonetti PO, Gadasalli SN, Lerman A, Barsness GW. Successful treatment of symptomatic coronary endothelial dysfunction with enhanced external counterpulsation. Mayo Clin Proc
  11. Bonetti PO, Kaiser C, Zellweger MJ, Grize L, Erne P, Schoenenberger RA, Pfisterer ME. Long-term benefits and limitations of combined antianginal drug therapy in elderly patients with symptomatic chronic coronary artery disease. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther
  12. Jeger RV, Bonetti PO, Zellweger MJ, Tobler D, Kaiser CA, Osswald S, Buser PT, Pfisterer ME and the TIME Investigators. Influence of revascularization on long-term outcome in patients 75 years of age with diabetes mellitus and angina pectoris. Am J Cardiol
  13. Kaiser C, Brunner-La Rocca HP, Buser PT, Bonetti PO, Osswald S, Linka A, Bernheim A, Zutter A, Zellweger M, Grize L, Pfisterer ME, for the BASKET Investigators. Incremental cost-effectiveness of drug-eluting stents compared to a new generation bare-metal stent in a real world setting: randomised Basel Stent Kosten Effektivitäts Trial (BASKET). Lancet
  14. Elesber AA*, Bonetti PO*, Woodrum JE, Zhu XY, Lerman LO, Younkin SG, Lerman A. Bosentan preserves endothelial function in mice overexpressing APP. Neurobiol Aging
  15. Pfisterer M, Bertel O, Bonetti PO, Brunner-La Rocca HP, Eberli FR, Erne P, Galatius S, Hornig B, Kiowski W, Pachinger O, Pedrazzini G, Rickli H, De Servi S, Kaiser C; BASKET-PROVE Investigators. Drug-eluting or bare-metal stents for large coronary vessel stenting? The BASKET-PROVE (PROspective Validation Examination) trial: study protocol and design. Am Heart J
  16. Jeger RV, Schneiter S, Kaiser C, Bonetti PO, Brunner-La Rocca H, Handke M, Osswald S, Buser PT, Pfisterer ME. Drug-eluting stents compared with bare metal stents improve late outcome after saphenous vein graft but not large native vessel inerventions. Cardiology
  17. Trachsel LD, Kuhn MU, Reinhart WH, Schulzki T, Bonetti PO. Reduced incidence of acute myocardial infarction in the first year after implementation of a public smoking ban in Graubuenden, Switzerland. Swiss Med Weekly 2010;140:133-8.
  18. Lardi E, Ott C, Schulzki T, Kuhn M, Bonetti PO, Reinhart WH. Acute effects of short-term exposure to second-hand smoke on induced platelet aggregation. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc
  19. Kaiser C, Galatius S, Erne P, Eberli F, Alber H, Rickli H, Pedrazzini G, Hornig B, Bertel O, Bonetti P, De Servi S, Brunner-La Rocca H P, Richard I, Pfisterer M for the BASKET-PROVE Study Group. Drug-eluting versus bare-metal stents in large coronary arteries. N Engl J Med
  20. Bonetti PO, Lardi E, Geissmann C, Kuhn MU, Brüesch H, Reinhart WH. Effect of Brief Secondhand Smoke Exposure on Endothelial Function and Circulating Markers of Inflammation. Atherosclerosis
  21. Mannheim D, Herrmann J, Bonetti PO, Lavi R, Lerman LO, Lerman A. Simvastatin preserves diastolic function in experimental hypercholesterolemia independent of its lipid lowering effect. Atherosclerosis
  22. Sears O, Reinhart WH, Bonetti PO. Quality of lipid management in patients with a history of myocardial infarction in general practice in Graubuenden, Switzerland. Cardiovascular Medicine
  23. Bonetti PO, Trachsel LD, Kuhn MU, Schulzki T, Erne P, Radovanovic D, Reinhart WH. Incidence of acute myocardial infarction after implementation of a public smoking ban in Graubuenden, Switzerland: 2-year follow-up. Swiss Med Weekly
  24. Cricri P, Trachsel LD, Müller P, Wäckerlin A, Reinhart WH, Bonetti PO. Incidence and time frame of life-threatening arrhythmias in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Swiss Med Weekly
  25. Reinhart SA, Schulzki T, Bonetti PO, Reinhart WH. Studies on metabolically depleted erythrocytes. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc
  26. Jeger RV, Pfisterer ME, Sorensen R, von Felten S, Alber H, Bonetti PO, Eberli F, Erne P, Pedrazzini G, Rickli H, Galatius S, Kaiser CA for the BASKET and BASKET-PROVE investigators. Tradeoff between bleeding and stent thrombosis in different dual antiplatelet therapy regimes: Importance of case fatality rates and effective treatment durations. Am Heart J
  27. Vassalli G, Klersy C, De Servi S, Galatius S, Erne P, Eberli F, Rickli H, Hornig B, Bertel O, Bonetti P, Moccetti T, Kaiser C, Pfisterer M, Pedrazzini G; BASKET-PROVE Investigators. Can the optimal type of stent be predicted based on clinical risk factors? A subgroup analysis of the randomized BASKET-PROVE trial. Am Heart J 2016;173:1-7.


  1. Bonetti PO, Gadasalli SN, Lerman A, Barsness GW. Successful treatment of symptomatic coronary endothelial dysfunction with enhanced external counterpulsation. Mayo Clin Proc
  2. Bonetti PO, Gutmann M, Cron TA, Schaer B, Osswald S. Transient complete nodal atrioventricular block and left bundle branch block during radiofrequency catheter ablation of a left free wall accessory pathway. Kardiovaskuläre Medizin
  3. Gnehm P, Pfisterer ME, Bonetti PO. Differentiation between sinus bradycardia and second-degree atrioventricular block by left ventricular pressure tracing. Kardiovaskuläre Medizin
  4. Bonetti PO, Hunziker PR. Watching football on TV may potentially be life-threatening. Swiss Medical Weekly
  5. Fausch K, Dubach P, Reinhart W, Bonetti PO. Capecitabininduzierte Koronarspasmen: eine wenig bekannte, aber gefährliche Nebenwirkung. Schweiz Med Forum
  6. Fahrner-Muschietti R, Kern R, Fahrner B, Bonetti PO. Hypothyreose: eine kaum bekannte Ursache für ein verlängertes QT-Intervall. Schweiz Med Forum
  7. Laske A, Ritter M, Bonetti PO. Right coronary artery to coronary sinus fistula. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2009;36:1079-80.
  8. Gerber B, Kyburz T, Reinhart WH, Bonetti PO, Stussi G. Complement inhibition to treat myocardial infarction? BMJ Case Reports 2011;doi:10.1136/bcr.01.
  9. Nägele R, Bonetti PO, Mayer KA. A patient with pulmonary embolism and a mass in the left atrium. Heart 2012;98:1260.


  1. Bonetti PO, Pfisterer ME, Lerman A. Lipid-unabhängige Statineffekte – sind sie klinisch relevant? Kardiovaskuläre Medizin
  2. Bonetti PO, Holmes DR Jr, Lerman A, Barsness GW. Enhanced external counterpulsation for ischemic heart disease: What’s behind the curtain? J Am Coll Cardiol
  3. Bonetti PO, Lerman LO, Napoli C, Lerman A. Statin effects beyond lipid lowering – are they clinically relevant?. Eur Heart J
  4. Bonetti PO, Lerman LO, Lerman A. Endothelial dysfunction – a marker of atherosclerotic risk. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol
  5. Kaufmann BA, Kaiser C, Pfisterer ME, Bonetti PO. Coronary stent infection: a rare but severe complication of percutaneous coronary intervention. Swiss Medical Weekly
  6. Kaiser CA, Bonetti PO, Pfisterer ME. Stellenwert der Koronarrevaskularisation bei älteren Patienten mit chronischer koronarer Herzkrankheit. Kardiovaskuläre Medizin
  7. Elesber AA, Bonetti PO, Lerman A. Endothelial function and cerebrovascular disease: implications for diagnosis and treatment. Curr Treat Options Cardiovasc Med
  8. Bonetti PO. Stabile Angina pectoris: Wer soll invasiv abgeklärt warden? Schweiz Med Forum
  9. Bonetti PO. Wichtige Stadieneinteilungen und Scores in der Kardiologie. Ther Umsch


  1. Bonetti PO. Nonspecific placebo effects. In: Barsness G & Holmes DR, eds. Coronary Artery Disease: New Approaches without Traditional Revascularization. Springer, Surrey, UK. In press.
  2. Bonetti PO, Zellweger MJ, Kaiser C, Pfisterer ME. Acute coronary syndrome in special groups of patients. In: Bertrand M & King S, eds. Acute Coronary Syndromes: a Handbook for Clinical Practice. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford UK.
  3. Pfisterer M, Bonetti PO, Zellweger MJ, Kaiser C. Diagnostik und interventionelle Therapie der koronaren Herzkrankheit. In: Zerkowski HR & Baumann G, eds. HerzAkutMedizin. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt.


  1. Bonetti PO. Nonspecific placebo effects. In: Barsness G & Holmes DR, eds. Coronary Artery Disease: New Approaches without Traditional Revascularization. Springer, Surrey, UK. In press.
  2. Bonetti PO, Zellweger MJ, Kaiser C, Pfisterer ME. Acute coronary syndrome in special groups of patients. In: Bertrand M & King S, eds. Acute Coronary Syndromes: a Handbook for Clinical Practice. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford UK.
  3. Pfisterer M, Bonetti PO, Zellweger MJ, Kaiser C. Diagnostik und interventionelle Therapie der koronaren Herzkrankheit. In: Zerkowski HR & Baumann G, eds. HerzAkutMedizin. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt.


T 044 387 37 11
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